Airbus green dot speed calculator. It is an approximation of the best lift to drag ratio.
Airbus green dot speed calculator hello all! I want to ask to a real pilot just my curiosity: that green dot in the altitude tape near and above the altitude readout is the Managed Descent Indicator, or the Airbus VNAV indicator, please? (and that other green dot in the heading tape under the artificial horizon < Tech Log - A320 S speed question - Once I was flying the 320 on a terminal are, and were requested to slow down. Some say Green Dot, some say VAPP. CALCULATE/ CHECK. CHECK # X-Feed # AT GREEN DOT SPEED "Flaps 1" ORDER. Fuel Quantity. Minimum selectable airspeed (200kts in your case) In descent, because we are inherently descending (duh), Green dot speed is not an optimum speed. Tas - True airspeed. In normal flight conditions and with an average cost index of anything around 30 you would typically fly at approximately M0. com Fenix A320 Tutorial: Airbus GREEN DOT Speed Explained by a Real Airbus Pilot! MSFSA real Airbus pilot explains the green dot speed in the Airbus using the Fe Tech Log - A321 green dot speed (again) - Good morning, on A321 the green dot speed should be increased by 1 Kt/1000' above FL200. . airbus. This is for simulation purposes only. Then it has a linear increase to 25° up to maneuvering speed -3 kt. 7. erau. CHECK # X-Feed # AS REQUIRED (CHECK FOR ETOPS-FLIGHTS) Take-Off Briefing. It’s something else. when the Green Dot is higher than managed speed target with flap 0 -that is not correct, it is a bug. 3 Kt/1000' On A320 I never saw such. The excess knots you have will be the maximum you can trade for rate of climb in an attempt to expedite climb. As I understand it green dot is clean maneuovering speed, and S speed is the lowest speed at which flaps 1 can be retracted? However what is F speed and how does this relate to flying an actual approach? 3. The question also cites a passage from an Airbus bulletin, including a reference to the "green dot" airspeed: 1. 1, when I select managed speed in approach phase the speed selected is something like 135kts instead of green dot or the selected config. For most of the departures from EGLL it is recommended to fly a slower speed (close to green dot) as the aircraft will overshoot some intercepts with high speeds. And green dot is a function of weight and After calculating the final performance with the actual weights and CG from the loadsheet, the flap retraction speed and green dot are cross checked against the actual S, F, and O speeds calculated by the FMGC. It will also make room to fly a green dot ‐ Green Dot speed on the A318, A319, A320 (CFM) and A321 ‐ Green Dot +20 kt on the A320 (IAE) The sum of aircraft + engine may result in a speed higher than the green dot speed(you lose some fuel from increasing the drag above the max Lift/drag speed, but the penalty is offset by increasing the N1 to a more efficient fuel consumption range). 76 This is all theory ofcourse. But as many others said before above FL300 this Tech Log - Green dot and Vls speed on Airbus - Originally Posted by neilki Perhaps. Usually, the speed is limited to 250 kts below 10,000 ft. Therefore, we have modelled this correctly: If you are on the glide slope with flaps 1 and somewhere between S-speed and green dot speed you will When no specific speed limit applies, the default hold speed is approximately equal to:-Green Dot speed on the A318, A319, A320 (CFM) and A321-Green Dot + 20 kt for altitude lower than 20 000 ft, on the A320 (IAE). Below 20000 feet equal to 2 × weight (tonnes) + 85 Above 20000 feet add 1 What is green dot speed ? I could be wrong, but I believe that, on an airbus, Vx = green dot, Vy = climb at cost index 0. Wasn't talking about green dot speed I was talking about the green dot on the altimeter side which shows if you're on profile. Should profile green dot move with altimeter setting As it does not have radio altimeter reading by then but knows field elevation and QNH, can calculate the 1000ft point. S speed You mean. It provides an estimate of the speed for best lift-to-drag ratio. The dual-engine failure checklist of the Airbus A320 states that the optimum airspeed at which the aircraft can be flown is the “green dot” speed when an engine restart is considered impossible. Flaps Lever. Green Dot can actually Engine-out operating speed in clean configuration. As I understand it green dot is clean maneuovering speed, and S speed is the Green Dot Speed. Reply 18th Feb 2020, 11:12 $\begingroup$ Barring restrictions from ATC, aircraft generally climb as fast as possible. Could someone please explain the concept of green dot, S and F speed for the airbus A320. HOWEVER, top of the amber on the airbus is VLS, which is the lowest selectable speed avaible to Standard Airbus design very clean, minimal drag, low flap extension speeds and terrible speedbrakes MapleFly. In practice you will select an appropriate speed to expedite and will seldomly make it come back to GD. Avrenli University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, kaavrenl@syr. Green Dot just maximizes your lift vis a vis drag. Couldn't remember the name of it can calculate the 1000ft point. Green Dot Speed is the speed for the best lift to drag ratio as it is stated in Safety first Article Third article in the "Control your speed" series started in issue #18 of this magazine, our aircraft is now flying in clean configuration, travelling in cruise. 69, trading speed for rate can be treacherous. I hope that makes sense. flaps have an altitude extension limitation which at my airline on the Airbus 320 is 20,000 feet. Also, by knowing QNH, it can adjust to those altitude restrictions which are below transition altitude. Learn what is Airbus's "Green Dot Speed", why it's so important and how pilot use Green Dot to improve safety on every flight. Very smooth and will only pull 0. Represented by a green dot on the PFD scale. The “green dot” speed is represented by a green dot on the primary flight display of the A320 as shown in Figure 2. Lift-to-drag ratio (also know as “L/D”) refers to the amount of lift generated by the aircraft, divided by its drag. We are entering into the descent phase. - VLS increase due to speedbrakes does not affect green dot speed anymore (except in XLR configuration) - EFB LDG performance calculator including METAR retrieval (X * 15 ° when the aircraft speed is below the maneuvering speeds (F, S, or Green Dot speed) -10 kt * Then linear increase to 25 ° up to maneuvering speeds (F, S, or Green Dot speed) -3 kt From an Airbus presentation quoted below: Maneuvering capability. Not sure why When having gusty conditions with max flap speeds close to min managed speed (f, s, green dot) I regularly select a speed below these speeds and allow the speed "fall" below before selecting flaps, this to protect myself from flap over speeds. safetyfirst. Using this technique, the mean deceleration rate will be approximately 10 kt/NM in level It seems like 25% of the pilots I talk to don't understand what managed speed the Airbus goes to when you activate approach in the MCDU if clean configuration. It is named after the symbol on the speed tape. Green Dot is the minimum drag speed and will therefore give you the best angle. Does anyone have information about this? To minimize the effect of the fuel Airbus recommends that with an all-engine flameout to fly a speed of 300/. This happens even if approach mode is also selected. g. 82M -- the optimum relight speed. EXTERIOR SAFETY INSPECTION FLOW. So you can operate in selected speed at 250kt and below green dot in accordance with this technique. In the Airbus you can preprogramm a speed before the actual phase begins, eg in climb you can preset a cruise value and further in. 2 glide ratio). Bear in mind that this is a very rough approximation for a dry runway and does not replace a proper calculation! Cheers, Chris Airbus Takeoff Performance Calculator is a Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 mod created by Budzique. (including the obvious 250 knots below 10,000ft). So in this case the aircraft should have maintained green dot, I have noticed a slight laziness to the ATHR on the Toliss 321 but I find it hard to reproduce so it's hard to say if it's responsible. When having gusty conditions with max flap speeds close to min managed speed (f, s, green dot) I regularly select a speed below these speeds and allow the speed "fall" below before selecting flaps, this to protect myself from flap over speeds. One message I took away from the mentioned tutorial on the Boeing aircraft, which I think translates good to the Airbus, is, that as soon as the aircraft We are happy to announce that a bug fix update is available for the ToLiss Airbus A321 via the updater. Passenger & Cargo Doors. 82 Mach/340kts in descent and green dot in the climb. speed MCDU A318/319 Presel. com Just looking for a bit of help in the following areas. ENV V1 is the maximum speed at which a rejected take-off can be initiated in the event of an emergency. Eg 300kts to Greendot, an approximate distance of 10nm The Airbus FMS follows ICAO definitions for default holding pattern parameters. SELECT FLAPS 1 "Flaps 1" CONFIRM/ ANNOUNCE. - Added Horizon Simulations + Airbus Branding to EFB - Updated flaps induced drag parameters - Updated Green Dot Speed calculation parameters with increased Gross Weight - Modified EFB theme to match Horizon Simulations Branding - Updated "A21N_Utils" folder's files with "A21N" prefix to further reduce interference with FBW A32NX Well, my suggestion is to take the take off weight from simbrief and calculate Green dot as follows: 2 times the take off weight + 80 (very simple math isn't it?). Key points include: 1) The Weather-Automation-Report-Descent framework for approach briefings and flows. A higher ratio means increased fuel efficiency, improved See more Green Dot (GD) speed is a term used by Airbus. Never have seen this before, but in X plane 12 notice that when you get to DECEL the speed does not go down to green dot and over speeds. Green Dot (GD): best lift-to-drag ratio speed Defi nition GD speed is the engine-out operat-ing speed in clean configuration. edu Follow this and additional works at: https://commons. You can see in the above tables that the Airbus must Some of the above comments are good, usually flaps 1 as I’m about 10-15 miles from the runway slowing past the max flap 1 speed (Vfe - the double tick marks on the airspeed indicator) and approaching the green dot speed. 15 Nov 2021 Tech Log - F , S & green dot speed on A320 - If i fly an A320 at F speed , how can i find the maximum allowable bank at this speed and what will be the margin with Vs ? Same question with S speed and green dot speed Thanks for your help It's a little bit weird, because on the mother Airbus (A300) the Green Dot speed did change with bank! But there was a known software bug. (should not go below green dot speed), the true airspeed and groundspeed are way higher than that. SET GREEN DOT SPEED (SET GREEN DOT displayed on PFD) II/W (W) This message appears when the following conditions are all met: - Engine-out condition - Aircraft in selected speed mode - FCU-selected speed equal to or greater than green-dot speed + 10 kt, and ALT* or ALT not active, or FCU-selected speed equal to or less than green-dot speed - 10 The managed speed mode is the speed set within the FMC that conforms to input restrictions. The Speed Distance Time Calculator can solve for the unknown sdt value given two known values. This is because the “green dot” speed maximizes the power-off glide range in wings-level flight. ) or 250/275/. In all cases (all engines operative), the GD speed gives an estimate of The FMGC uses the performance model and either the predicted landing weight or the current gross weight at transition to the approach phase to compute approach speeds (VLS, VAPP, F, S, Green Dot). Feb 12, 2023 #4 The dual-engine failure checklist of the Airbus A320 states that the optimum airspeed at which the aircraft can be flown is the “green dot” speed when an engine restart is considered impossible. Energy-efficient economical descent speed (aka ECON speeds and magenta brackets) 6. The change was in the wrong direction. Thank you. If the entered value on INIT B page is correct, disregard VLS, F, S, GREEN DOT speeds on PFD as they are Tech Log - Green Dot Speed - I recently come across the phase "green dot speed" I understand that it is the lowest L/D ratio for the given weight and condition of flight ? correct ? when is it normally used ? Also came across the Airbus perf charts ? what is T ref , T max, Grad 1 and Grad 2 ? How do u use the figures ? Reply. These figures I cite are approximate. Airbus A32NX and A339X Takeoff Performance Calculator, Calculates Flex temp, Vspeeds, and more! Still getting some "TO SPEED TOO LOW" warnings from time to time though, especially with the A339 but also with the A32NX, in which case I have to CONF-2 (Flaps position 2): At "F" and positive speed trend; CONF-1+F (Flaps position 1): At "S" and positive speed trend; When reaching S-speed retract flaps. F) regardless of the speed target. but I need to get in an AIRBUS to make sure I’m right. It won't go below that until you select flap. When running performance on the computer, the Green Dot speed computed by the software was around 225 knots, which any 340 pilot all tell you is extremely slow for a heavy fuel laden 300 ton aircraft. But its not displayed. FCTM and getting to grips with perf. We always retract flaps by only one step at a time. This speed is entered by the crl ight preparation, and it is represented by a “1” on the speed scale of the PFD during take-off acceleration i g. ATC Code. MAX CLB GRADIENT SPEED = G. VS: Stalling speed: VLS: Lowest Selectable Speed: are used in the flight control logic and to calculate the “characteristic speeds” (VLS, F, S, GD) displayed on the PFD. (Reference: 1) After T. Vx: maximum angle of climb speed: Green Dot Vy: maximum rate of climb speed: speed at Cost Index 0 (ref. Share Airbus green dot speed calculator. I'm wondering, whether the Green Dot- speed calculation in the Airbus PFD does account for the actual bank angle of the aircraft. In the A330/A340 family, this behaviour is different Re-worked speed tables based on Airbus documentation; Updated Fuel Prediction algorithms to account for higher ZFW of A321neo; Updated OPT, MAX altitude calculations "Newlight" mod integration - All credit goes to Hello, Just a "fine tuning" regarding calculated speeds :green dot, F, S and vref example at 64T Speed from mcdu A319 gd202, S187, F146, VRef 133 speed from QRH GD 218, S194,F148, VRef 130 Speed from mcdu A318 -Same as A319 speed from QRH GD 218, S192,F148 Vref 131 The variation with altitude is 1. When im aplly NADP 2 for T/O i would like fly Airbus Green Dot crosscheck Some operators, although not the operator in this report, use Airbus’ ‘Less Paper Cockpit (LPC)’ concept, which uses an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) to compute takeoff performance. It is definitely in approach mode and not vertical speed or open decent. also specified that already accelerating i. ! 21st Nov 2005, 17:00 #11 Airbus Girl . The EFB output includes a value for Green Dot speed, which is the speed giving the best lift-to-drag ratio in the clean configuration. When the FMGC detects an EO condition, the AP & FD limits bank angles for t/o & app to 15° when the a/c speed < maneuvering speed (F,S or Green Dot speed) –10 kt. Remember, you are still protected by Vls, Alpha prot. e after thrust red/ acc and speed towards s speed. The main objective is to manage threats to the airspeed and avoid speed excursions. It varies depending on your weight, altitude, air temperature, atmospheric pressure, etc. The drift down speed, in case In the FlyByWire A32NX, pilots can calculate takeoff performance data via the flyPad. Green Dot (GD) speed Definition GD speed (fig. Most critical is the Vne, Velocity never exceed. Below FL300 you see decent climb rates. in initial climb stage towards FL 10 000Ft (so we are below 10000) AP already on. It provides an estimate of F-speed [Green F on Speed Tape] = the minimum speed for Flaps 1 ("Config 1+F" in Airbus terminology). Let's define GreenDot speed on the Airbus aircraft. So, when we took off with FLAPS 2 (CONF-2) we retract FLAPS at "F" to The stall speed, remains ( to all intents and purposes) the same Ias regardless of altitude. Amongst other parameters, the maneuvering speeds Flaps (F), Slats (S) and Green Dot (GD) are a function of the Zero Fuel Weight (ZFW) inserted by the It seems like 25% of the pilots I talk to don't understand what managed speed the Airbus goes to when you activate approach in the MCDU if clean configuration. I'd like to know the procedure for an engine failure happening after v2. CaptainRude91 November 23, 2021, 10:04pm 18. The default leg length for a computed hold is: 1 minute > 14 000: 1. 2% = 19. January 15, Calculator Use. CHECK CONNECTED. (airbus)) There is no rule of thumb but the SEVERE TURBULENCE speeds are a Also, most people activate the approach once they start using selected speed, if ATC wants, say 220KTS. Best climb rate is achieved at green dot speed. The optimal climb in clean configuration is "greendot", represented as a small green circle on your speed scale. CHECK. Set it up as your selected speed and engage open climb or climb mode (by pulling or pushing the alt knob with your desired altitude), and with ATHR, FD and AP on you should climb with Has anyone come across any good performance calculation utilities (V Speeds, FLEX, etc). This table shows fuel needs for a A330/A340 at 170 tons and 1,500 ft: Fuel flow vs. It is the pilots’ responsibility to Another example of the discrepancy is, of course, Green Dot speed, which is defined on the A320 and A319 as [GW in tonnes x 2] + 85 (knots). Our objective is to cover descent from cruise altitude down toward the destination airport and prepare the aircraft for its approach and landing. It's merely a speed that in clean configuration at current atmospheric conditions, gross Airbus green dot speed calculator. Having the copilot on helps because the flap settings are done automatically. , AFTER It controls pitch to maintain Green Dot Speed (Best Lift to Drag ration speed). Likewise, during descent in OEI conditions, the GD speed grants the minimum Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Is “Green Dot” Always the Optimum Engines-Out Glide Speed on the Airbus A320 Aircraft?" by K. That means setting engines to standard climb setting, pitching the nose to maintain best rate of climb speed (speed at which drag is lowest; in Airbus also known as “green dot speed”) and the rate of climb is whatever it is. This specific speed represents the best lift-to-drag ratio for the aircraft and is primarily used during climb operations. I believe Green Dot is also the speed that would be targeted if you select EXPED Is this correct? the MCDU says 144 but the Airbus has commanded a speed of about 141. de facto. Posted by u/Old_Resort1984 - 10 votes and 8 comments The heavier an aircraft is, the higher this speed will be aerodynamically. O with flaps 0 the Target Speed is GREEN DOT IF the managed speed target (Magenta Triangle) is below green dot. Well, my suggestion is to take the take off weight from simbrief and calculate Green dot as follows: 2 times the take off weight + 80 (very simple math isn't it?). etc. Tech Log - Calculating GW inflight A320 - during a flight one of my friend showed me a method to calculate the GW from the Green Dot speed by dividing on 85 (constant) or multiplying by 85 I don't actually remember,then they can figure out the Gross Weight, does any one know any reference for that method. The level of detail in this guide is meant to get an Airbus A380 beginner currently on approach to intercept the ILS and land the aircraft safely on the runway. , so basically the FACs compute every speed on the speed scale? airbus-a320; Share. If you’re on approach or on final then it’s your final approach speed which you calculate before getting to that point. Source. The crew may also check on the PROG page the CRZ FL, MAX REC FL and OPT FL. DOT varies from 205 kt at 60 This free speed calculator determines any of the three variables in the speed distance time equation given the other two. Relevant operating speeds 3. Not Available in the In RL (as well as in the Fenix) the performance calculator on the EFB spits out S, F, and O (Green Dot) in addition to the V-Speeds (and actually quite a bit more, like MFRA and Green dot is an optimized speed. Mach 0. The main objective is to retract the slats/flaps at an adequate speed, while sustaining enough lift to accelerate and climb. Stairways & Jetways. (airbus)) There is no rule of thumb The Green Dot Speed, denoted by a small green dot on the airspeed indicator, is a unique profile speed on the Airbus A320. (Best lift to drag ratio speed). Jump to content. Airbus A321; is computed by the Flight Augmentation Computers which calculate their own aircraft 5. -Green Dot + 5 kt for altitude bigger than 20 000 ft, on the A320 (IAE). 5 minutes: The managed speed target in a hold is the lowest of: maximum endurance (approximately "green dot" speed) ICAO speed limit (see table below) speed constraint; speed limit, if below speed limit altitude notice how the This free speed calculator determines any of the three variables in the speed distance time equation given the other two. Staff member. The aerodynamic speed. In the standard descent speed range (from green dot to VMO), the rate and gradient of descent magnitudes are reduced at higher weights. Improve this Before your airbus simulator preparation session we include useful information in this section of our website. On an Airbus aircraft, the Flight Augmentation Computers (FACs) control the rudder and have windshear detection, and the FACs also are responsible for speed computations. Yes. V1 is also the minimum speed at which a pilot can continue take-off following an engine failure. It is an approximation of the best lift to drag ratio. So I asked for F1, what led the airplane to fly at S speed, around 182kt. Regarding the manoeuvring speed limit, different companies often impose higher limits. This free speed calculator determines any of the three variables in the speed distance time equation given the other two. Posted October 25. For an average 320/321 at mid altitudes and average weights it As for the previous flight phases, Green Dot, S and F speeds guide the flight crew during descent and approach phases. It corresponds to the speed that allows the highest climb gradient with one engine inoperative in clean confi gura-tion. Around green dot speed with the engine on approach idle, the aircraft glide angle matches pretty much the G/S glide path meaning the aircraft maintains its speed unless you increase drag. Climb with 290 kts, then reducing to green dot speed as climb performance reaches near zero. edu Barry J. For example, "Green Dot" speed for a sharp turn after take-off. Once you go above 10,000 ft, it opens up to 290 kts (or whatever is specified). The default leg length for a computed hold is: The managed speed target in a hold is the lowest of: maximum endurance (approximately "green dot" speed) ICAO speed limit (see table below) speed constraint; speed limit, if below speed limit altitude; The ICAO The Airbus A320 ceo should have a service ceiling of FL370 at 78t and ISA, the MSFS A320 doesn’t even reach optimum FL of FL315 for 78t! Second test with weight at 52t, ISA conditions and MCT. Location: In a nice house . Now, go to PERF page and compare this figure with the one obtained from the MCDU and they should match pretty much by 5 knots. In normal operations we don't use these tables except climb ceiling with reduced N1 since we're still limited above FL290. A. The APP requested the speed to be reduced to 170kt, so, as we were far from the airport, and I did not want the airplane to fly with safetyfirst. Ground Crew. 5. This article aims to highlight how the reference, limit and operating speeds are Airbus Characteristic Speeds. Green Dot speed Green Dot (GD) is a ight speed estimation that maximizes the lift-to-drag ratio for a given aircraft’s altitude and weight. At V2, one engine out: Stabilized turn at 30°bank before alpha max The green dot shows the no flap speed, at this you have to add flap or increase speed. The heavier an aircraft is, the higher this speed will be aerodynamically. Is there any reason why MCDU doesn't let me insert a speed constraint (e. On the PERF APPR page, the selected LDG CONF determines the applicable VLS and VAPP, the latter being updated by the WIND correction that the pilot during a flight one of my friend showed me a method to calculate the GW from the Green Dot speed by dividing on 85 (constant) or multiplying by 85 I don't actually remember,then they can figure out the Gross Weight, does any one know any reference for that method. 3. edu/jaaer Engineering & Technology; Uploaded by mercfan04 Airbus A320 Family Non-Normal Notes At 22:31 local time, an Airbus A340-500 aircraft, registered A6-ERG, commenced the takeoff roll on runway 16 at Melbourne Airport (MEL) on a scheduled, passenger flight (EK407) to Dubai ( Is “Green Dot” Always the Optimum Engines-Out Glide Speed on the Airbus A320 Aircraft? This document provides guidance for Airbus A330 pilots on approach briefings and flows. (The Airbus FMGS safe logic applies to S, F, speeds Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Is “Green Dot” Always the Optimum Engines-Out Glide Speed on the Airbus A320 Aircraft?" by K. Sets speed to managed when he/she plans to decelerate to greendot speed. I think what you are referring to is the best angle of climb speed. Same situation with all engines operating, maybe green dot plus a bit (like green dot plus 10 or so). Airbus A321 ; Should profile green dot Our objective is to highlight the design and operational considerations under-lying all recommendations Airbus has issued to flight crews regarding the monitoring of these speeds during climb. Airbus uses the concept of green dot which is the speed with minimum fuel consumption per time unit in clean configuration. when the speed reaches green dot +10 kt, the flight crew should select CONF 1. Greeen Dot (GD) speed is the engine-out operating speed in clean configuration. In my experience the PFD displayed Green Dot significantly higher than the MCDU, which simply calculates it on the above formula, using the crew-entered ZFW plus the fuel remaining. 13th Mar 2007 Updated Green Dot Speed calculations for the A321neo; Recalculation and re-work of the speed tables for the A320ceo based on official numbers from Airbus; Updated flaps behaviour and speeds for the different configurations on the A321neo; Flight Model Changes. Airbus Green Dot crosscheck Some operators, although not the operator in this report, use Airbus’ ‘Less Paper Cockpit (LPC)’ concept, which uses an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) to compute takeoff performance. S-speed is signified with an S next to the speed band in the PFD. I use the below for the Airbus series, but it does not include the A318: perfcalc. Second of a series of articles on the theme of speed control during a flight, which started in issue #18 of this magazine, we have just taken off and are now entering the climb phase. In One Engine Inoperative (OEI) scenarios, it provides the maximum climb gradient that the aircraft can achieve [2]. However, it is not known whether the “green dot” speed would still Hello, admittedly my only experience is on the 320/321 so apologies if this observation is baseless. Likewise, during descent in OEI conditions, the GD speed A Guide to Airbus Green Dot Speed. Tas reduces with altitude. Visit our flyPad Performance Page guide for more information. Updated Green Dot speed formulas to resemble A321neo based on data collected from live flights; Feature(GSX): Automatically start Refuel Process & allow instant refuel with GSX Fuel Sync enabled Recalculation and re-work of the speed tables for the A321neo based on official numbers from Airbus; Recalculation and re-work of the speed tables Disclaimer. Lift Does Airbus calculate Green Dot differently from Boeing's clean speed? Do they just add a much higher safety margin? Or is Boeing simply a case of "what you don't know can't hurt you?" I'm curious: is the green dot speed an operating limitation for you? Reactions: form810. After talking with my friend at Airbus he reminded me that "green dot" is the speed that provides the best lift-to-drag ratio when the airplane is in a clean (gear and flaps up) configuration. “Green Dot” (sometimes referenced simply as “GD”) allows the pilots at any time to instantly know what the aircraft’s best lift-to-drag ratio speed is. While the green dot speed is the one offering the best fuel rate while holding, it assumes no flap and no slat. 1) is the engine-out operating speed in clean configuration. Lower GD speed with increasing bank and vice versa. Green dot speed. Airbus does not calculate a perfect radius for a smooth intercept but rather flies a standard 25°bank turn and then levels off to intercept. Then flaps 2 as I get toward the next green dot speed and roughly 8-10 miles. Look at the performance page: green dot speed times 10 roughly equals the landing distance needed with auto brake low, while the midpoint of F and S speed times 10 roughly equals the distance for auto brake medium. What I am after is the best rate. Not sure why Airbus reckon that operating below green dot or a slat/flap speed is ok as long as you consider Vls. 1. (Best lift-to-drag ratio speed). speed MCDU A318/319. I have a recurring problem using both the Development & Experimental version that although I have programmed the MCDU and everything looks OK, frequently I cannot engage Speed Managed Mode. speed. pradz. Also corresponds to the final takeoff speed. derg Apparently a "terse" writer. CHECK OPEN. Really great plane. 5 × weight (tons) +110 Above 20 000 ft, add 1 kt per 1 000 ft Hhm, if GD-speed is best lift-to-drag ratio speed, shouldn't it change with load In SPEED mode the lower ATHR limit for managed speed is the current manoeuvring speed (Green Dot, S. Let’s call it 200kts. Join Date: May 2002. 2). At altitudes below 10,000 ft, the “green dot” speed primarily depends on aircraft weight, and typically ranges from 200 to 235 KCAS (knots in calibrated airspeed) for the A320-200 aircraft model (Airbus Industrie, 2002). Airbus A321 ; Should profile green dot The “CHECK WEIGHT” message on the MCDU of an Airbus A320 indicates a discrepancy Such a significant variance could potentially impact the aircraft’s performance calculations, value on INIT B page is wrong, correct the same. Lastly, the little purple triangle shows the speed that you have selected to fly, and by referencing the diagram, it shows that they were just slightly slow. 4 T; Green Dot (clean) 210KTS; S speed (Config 1) – 190KTS; F Speed Flap 2 – 150KTS; F Speed Flap 3 – 145KTS; Full Flap – vApp 138KTS; EDIT: There's a good part in the manual about what speeds to have and when, in the tutorial section, green dot speed, S speed, F speed, Vapp etc, and at which stages in the approach you should aim for each. Theoretically. The Toliss A321 follows Managed Speed target . Flying at green dot speed provides the best climb performance. Dempsey University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, bjdemps@illinois. The Greeen Green dot is an optimized speed. de Performance Calculation for AIRBUS. Engine out operating speed in clean configuration. MCDU F-PLN Page A. 2% (5. If you took off in Config 2 or Config 3, this would be the slowest speed at which you could select Flaps 1. That is why, if you pull an . Page 78 The flight crew uses the PERF CLB page to pre-select a speed. 82 "open descent" in an Airbus (330) at FL In reality, in the A320 family, Green dot always stay above VLS with speed brakes retracted, but it does not change if VLS is increased due to speed brake extension. -Green Dot speed on the A318, A319, A320 (CFM) and A321-Green Dot + 20 kt for altitude lower than 20 000 ft, on the A320 (IAE). Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 (32 bit, FSX/ P3D V3) - Development halted ; MCDU (Left side) Presel. The FMS calculated a Green Dot above 252 knots. Aviation terminology and know-how is a requirement to fly any There’s no calculator needed to solve the issue here. 15G in the process. [emphasis added] 3. With the approach activated the vertical deviation is again useless since it works out a descent at green dot speed, if you're still doing 220 or 240, or whatever, then in open descent you're going down a little bit quicker then at green dot. A320 typical training weights & flap speeds. once in that particular phase of flight, the only way to go is managed. Calculate speed, distance or time using the formula d = st, distance equals speed times time. My observation is that the actual rate of the change is higher, about 1. Green dot speed (minimum gradient) is a function of weight. It refers to the speed that results in the best Could someone please explain the concept of green dot, S and F speed for the airbus A320. ZFW 57. Corresponds also to the final takeoff speed. 76. I prefer Boeing, so I don’t use the BUS much. SET. For a A320 at typical weights, that’s around 205-220. That is green dot speed. Most aircrafft are tested to 5% Could you advise how the ISCS software calculates T/O V-speeds (and it should really come up with flap configuration as well) without at least taking into consideration OAT, Runway length and altitude? I find the A321 V1/VR speeds of 160 KTS with Flex T/O loaded within limits and 3 tons below max Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 (32 bit, FSX/ P3D V3) - Development halted ; MCDU (Left side) Presel. When I try to engage it the dashes and dot flash on and then speed resets to selected mode 100. From lower altitudes, you can mentally calculate green dot speed at the target level. Symbols on Airbus ASI above are: Red Band is high speed protection region with lower end being Is “Green Dot” Always the Optimum Engines-Out Glide Speed on the Airbus A320 Aircraft? Kivanc A. This tool helps to create the takeoff performance for Airbus aircrafts such as V1, VR, V2, Takeoff Trim, Flex Temp. If you wanto to cover as many miles as possible then fly maximum range. Pilot's wings If you want to stay in the air as long as possible (patroling, holding, search and rescue) then fly max endurance. If you activate approach phase while clean the system will target green dot. 14th Mar 2011, 11:17. $\begingroup$ Hi, unsure what is unclear. Another example of the discrepancy is, of course, Green Dot speed, which is defined on the A320 and A319 as [GW in tonnes x 2] + 85 (knots). Airbus 320 theory classes · July 22, 2015 · What is green dot speed ? If it is less than . Once you are close to the perf approach green dot speed, the speed tape green dot speed will not be that far away and you will be able to Tech Log - Airbus approach phase activation - Good Day Gentlemen, There has been some debate over when the activation of the approach phase should be activated during the course of descent down to the destination. A safe logic . since a difference in Green Dot indicates a difference in TOW between the calculation and the actual weight. Is this a b Never have seen this before, but in X plane 12 notice that when you get to DECEL the speed does not go down to green dot and over speeds. AIRBUS A320 FAMILY - COCKPIT FLOWS. The zip files in the stores will be updated in the coming days. 2. (IAS must be lower than VFE next), e. Max range speed is faster than max endurance speed. That is eerily close to the ILS slope of 5. At Config 1 Green Dot is replaced by F speed on the Speed Tape. This is one of the most important speeds to understand because I represents a ''safe'' speed for the pilo I noticed with A320-251(LEAP), the Toliss green dot speed doesn't match one from my company's flysmart data, especially at high TOW Weight-Toliss/Flysmart gd speed: 60-205/205 65-213/215 70-221/225 75-229/235 79-235/243 As my company's policy, it's required to check if the green dot speed match b Download scientific diagram | Continuous Descent Profile (Altitude and Airspeed) Airbus A320-214, EDDT/TXL, (2015-12-21) The Green Dot Speed of the aircraft is assumed to 200 kt CAS, because this The altitude where the aircraft can maintain a vertical speed (climb) of 300 feet per minute at MAX CLB thrust; The aircraft can fly at a speed greater than Green Dot Speed, and lower that VMO/MMO; The maximum altitude the aircraft is certified for; Note: the calculation of REC MAX does not take into account the use of engine anti-ice. is green dot. A beginner is defined as someone familiar with flying a GA aircraft or different types of airliners. Vapp) at FAF? Quote If you wish to fly [] a stabilized approach, insert VAPP as a SPEED CSTR at FAF, in order to get a valuable (DECEL) pseudo waypoint. As I understand it green dot is clean maneuovering speed, and S speed is the lowest speed at which flaps 1 can be retracted? However what is F speed and how does this relate to flying an actual approach? Since updating to 1. By windsky November 12, 2014 in MCDU (Left side) Airbus A321 ; Should profile green dot move with altimeter setting Twitter; Toliss - Forum Rules. Just looking for a bit of help in the following areas. 82 For example you have holding performance, green dot speed, climb performance and even tables to see your LRC. Posts: 981 Likes: 0 Received 0 Likes on 0 Posts If you’re in an Airbus product, that’s green dot speed. Time can be entered or solved for in units of secondes (s), minutes (min), hours (hr), or hours and minutes and seconds (hh:mm:ss). VLS, alpha protection, alpha floor, green dot speed, flap retraction, etc. " I guess GD speed is min drag on the Airbus airframe plot, but the IAE engine is more fuel efficient at +20kts for some reason. com The Airbus FMS follows ICAO definitions for default holding pattern parameters. The drift down speed, in case of an This tool helps to create the takeoff performance for Airbus aircrafts such as V1, VR, V2, Takeoff Trim, Flex Temp. I have noticed that if I keep my airspeed managed and I activate the approach in a flaps zero config the aircraft does not slow to green dot but it slows to vls (or worse, I always correct it before it may have an issue) I do understand the managed speed can This article is the conclusion of our theme of speed management during a flight, which began in Safety first Issue #18. Avrenli et al. Up until the recent merge of the experimental version into the It gives max range speed, which happens to be quite faster than green dot. Below 20 000 ft equal to 1. Comments Off on A Guide to Airbus Green Dot Speed. Weight Effect. yjtfgktdnzkolsjikxrxkycvbaxtmzabrqktvcjavuanpxtektf